
i sat down to write a talk and this is what came out.

I am constantly reaching for the goodness in me. Sometimes I have to reach farther than I am capable, and still come up short. I have a bad habit of saying everything that I am thinking, without regard for inappropriate timing or the guarantee of hurt feelings. This habit has gotten me into trouble many times, and for years I have tried to curtail this naturally occurring character trait. However, it was not until a few days ago that I realized that simply holding back is not enough. I need to change the way I think. I need to eliminate the thought process that leads me to these unkind and often misconstrued judgments. I am notorious for loudly proclaiming my dislike for certain trendy items. For years I vowed not to read Harry Potter. Turned out to be a huge fan. That little pouf of hair that is worn by so many girls, I stridently opposed. Turned out I love it and am wearing it in my wedding pictures. Songs are the same way for me. Being a musician at heart, I have a tendency to be somewhat of a music snob. Listening to new songs can be an almost painful procedure. The music is shabby, and the lyrics always leave something to be desired. Immediately and true to form, I make a statement that cannot possibly be true, “this might be the worst song I have ever heard” or, “there might be worse songs out there than this, but…” The difficult thing for me then is getting over myself enough to admit that I like them. Scanning the radio in secret is not the best way to promote trust in a relationship, nor is it the best way to listen to the songs you want.


susan m hinckley said...

Probably more enjoyable than any talk. Glad to hear the box arrived -- the frog and the rubber-band-challenge were from Hannah, the fortune (which I thought highly appropriate and prophetic)and the other things were from me. Enjoy your pasta! Oh yes -- a little bird told me Jake loves dark chocolate. xo

Lynley and Levi said...

so i recently opened my mouth and got in huge trouble for saying something i didnt think about. when i say recent i mean friday, and my sweet husband didnt speak to me for the rest of the weekend. I feel for you. love you.

Ann said...

I sometimes express opinions too loudly or prematurity. . . and I am way overusing. . . Also did not want to read Harry Potter but have turned into a huge Pot-a-holic.

Glad to find your blog to keep up on you two with all the changes! Hope to meet up in Boston later this year. . .

april said...

i just saw your comment on annie's blog. how fun to read about you guys. oh and even though i'm not a hinckley by blood - i totally speak without thinking and then regret. i read potter before it was too huge so i was always a fan - but i do tend to doubt things that the "dumb masses" love. awful, i know. the good news is i don't think it's so bad to be a good critic. it's good to know how to improve something. but i'm glad you did convert to potter and that cute hairstyle for your wedding - you look great.

hey, we would love to come and visit you guys sometime. i also have a really good friend up in vermont too. we haven't been for about four years now - so would love to tour it again. and you are welcome here anytime. i'm going to be running the hartford half marathon on october 11th. care to joing me?